Maya Abdominal Therapy®
Belly and back relaxation to restore balance to the reproductive and hormonal systems. Have questions? Read our FAQ’s below.
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on the ancient Maya technique of abdominal massage which is an external non-invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve, and chi. These techniques address position and health of the pelvic and abdominal organs. The work is best known for the correction of the prolapsed or tilted uterus and for relief of many common digestive disorders.
All women, teens to peri-menopausal, can benefit from connecting with their core through this gentle therapy. Through correcting a displaced uterus, many common health problems affecting women can be alleviated. Maya Abdominal Therapy can help you heal from both physical and spiritual problems associated with fertility difficulty, menopause, fibroids, endometriosis, pregnancy, post-partum, hysterectomy, abdominal surgery, Chron's disease, IBS, digestive disorders, negative body image, PMS, painful or irregular periods, abortion, miscarriage, and traumatic experiences.
Uterine massage is not done on women with current abdominal cancer, IUD's, during menstrual bleeding, the first trimester of pregnancy, or within 6 weeks of a vaginal delivery or 3 months after a c-section.
Your initial session will include a comprehensive review of your medical history and current healthcare needs, a full Maya Abdominal Massage focusing on the health of the digestive and reproductive systems by supporting the entire body, and a lesson teaching self-care techniques to use daily. This session is 90 - 120 minutes.
Your second session will include a review of any changes in your health, discussion of lifestyle recommendations, a full Maya Abdominal Massage, and a review of the self-care massage. This session is 75 minutes.
Follow up sessions include a full Maya Abdominal Massage and vary depending upon your needs. A typical follow up session is 45 - 60 minutes.
Maya Abdominal Therapy is so much more than a relaxing massage. It is a holistic approach to women's healthcare that addresses both the physiological, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the woman. You can select from a variety of add-on treatments, such as castor oil heat packs, guided meditations, uterine Reiki, herbal vaginal steams, and the use of herbal tinctures and teas. Please ask us if you would like more information.
Learning to care for your own body is an important part of the healing process. From your very first session, you will be taught how to do Maya Abdominal Therapy for yourself. By doing this brief 5 - 10 minute massage every day, you will experience the results of this therapy more quickly. This often becomes a sacred, relaxing daily ritual for women to connect with their bodies and discover their power to heal themselves.
Up to 30% of women who were unable to conceive through other methods have conceived using Maya Abdominal Therapy. By guiding the uterus into its correct placement, the body returns to homeostasis. A thicker, rich uterine lining forms and hormones become regulated, which allows for healthy sustained attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. This also creates an optimal environment for successful IVF and IUI treatments.
C-section prevention can be a concern for many mothers. By working to keep the uterus aligned, the body is in its best position for birth. Through Maya Abdominal Therapy, the uterine muscles and ligaments are strengthened to support a growing baby without moving out of alignment. Both mother and baby can benefit from a shorter, healthier labor and delivery.
In the event of a c-section, Maya Abdominal Therapy can reduce scar tissue and prevent adhesions from forming between muscle layers and surrounding organs.